*** ATC_TRADER.1 · ftp://root@ (logged in since 22.12.2000 19:43:34) *** 19:43:44 | Sent: TYPE I 19:43:44 | <--- 200 Type set to IMAGE. 19:43:44 | Sent: PORT 192,168,1,2,117,82 19:43:44 | <--- 200 PORT command successful. 19:43:44 | Sent: STOR linux-2.2.14.tar.bz2 19:43:44 | <--- 150 Opening BINARY data connection for linux-2.2.14.tar.bz2 19:43:44 | Sent: Upload of the file "linux-2.2.14.tar.bz2" has been started 19:44:25 | <--- 226 Transfer completed. 19:44:26 | Sent: Transfer of "linux-2.2.14.tar.bz2" complete. Transferred 12936883 bytes (of 12936883) in 42 secs (315533 cps) 19:44:26 | Sent: PORT 192,168,1,2,85,57 19:44:26 | <--- 200 PORT command successful. 19:44:26 | Sent: STOR pippo.txt 19:44:26 | <--- 150 Opening BINARY data connection for pippo.txt 19:44:26 | Sent: Upload of the file "pippo.txt" has been started 19:45:20 | <--- 226 Transfer completed. 19:45:20 | Sent: Transfer of "pippo.txt" complete. Transferred 18397799 bytes (of 18397799) in 54 secs (339209 cps) 19:45:20 | Sent: PORT 192,168,1,2,99,49 19:45:20 | <--- 200 PORT command successful. 19:45:20 | Sent: STOR track_1.wav 19:45:21 | <--- 150 Opening BINARY data connection for track_1.wav 19:45:21 | Sent: Upload of the file "track_1.wav" has been started 19:46:55 | <--- 226 Transfer completed. 19:46:55 | Sent: Transfer of "track_1.wav" complete. Transferred 33720668 bytes (of 33720668) in 94 secs (358730 cps)